
Disable Annotations On Embedded YouTube Videos

By Paul Crowe Saturday, February 7, 2015
YouTube hand drawn sign logo
On a Documentary Site I'm involved with we embed videos mainly from YouTube but something was really annoying me, those darn annotations ! Now I don't mind a simple annotation in the corner we can click to subscribe or at the end of a videos if some other videos from the channel are showcased. But more and more I find videos plastered with annotations and it absolutely ruins the viewing experience.You try to click the little X to remove an annotation but click the box instead or as you close one another appears arghhh.

So I wanted the viewing experience on Documentary Fans to be annotation free and I found the way to achieve that goal.By adding a small tag to the embed code annotations are disabled and here is how to do it.

Turn Off Annotations YouTube Embed Videos

So when you grab the embed code from YouTube it will look something like this :

<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/6Z-UPxuwmN4" width="560"></iframe>

We need to add the following string to the source URL : ?iv_load_policy=3 so the code will now look like this :

<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/6Z-UPxuwmN4?iv_load_policy=3" width="560"></iframe>

With that all annotations are disabled job done.Let us know what you think in the comments and we rely on word of mouth so it would be great if you could share the post.

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Paul Crowe

I'm the main author on That's Useful.I've been a full time Blogger and Web designer for over eight years.I have worked on thousands of projects and blogs over the years.

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