Use A YouTube Video As Your Alarm Clock

By Paul Crowe Wednesday, February 18, 2015
YouTube Clock Logo
Sick of the beeping alarm clock in the morning ? Then why not get awoken by your favorite video on YouTube. Have your favorite song playing or something more relaxing, science can help as a study showed the most relaxing song ever to be Weightless By Marconi Union.

There are a few services to do this I'm gonna list the best two then you can set an alarm and choose a video from YouTube via URL or searching directly on the site. With that your done, there is even a snooze button for a few minutes shut eye when the alarm goes off.

How - Check out both Online Video Clock Or AlarmTube to see what's best for you.

Let us know what you think.
Paul Crowe

I'm the main author on That's Useful.I've been a full time Blogger and Web designer for over eight years.I have worked on thousands of projects and blogs over the years.

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