Watch Country Restricted Video Including BBC iPlayer From Anywhere Instantly

By Paul Crowe Monday, December 22, 2014
I'm a big fan of documentaries and other factual television  (I may list my favorite documentaries you can watch online in a future post).For me some of the best documentaries are produced from BBC and PBS Nova but that has always caused me problems.As I'm in Ireland both the BBC iPlayer and Nova videos are restricted, The iPlayer is UK only and Nova is USA only as are many streaming sports etc...

Now were there is a will there is a way and I have used a number of techniques to bypass these restrictions using what's called a proxy.But this can be haphazard at the best of times.But lately I have been using a browser add on and it couldn't be easier or better !

The ad-on is from Hola called Hola Better Internet on Chrome and there is also an ad-on for Firefox users as well as Mac, Mobile amd more.Simply download the add-on to your browser and when needed it will jump into action cloaking your location so you can watch the video or stream.

For those not familiar with proxys or add-ons for that matter :

  • A Proxy cloaks your location and uses a different IP address, so for example if you want to use the BBC iPlayer a Brittish IP will be used so you can view the content.
  • An Ad-On or Extension is basically a tool or extra that can be added to your browser such as a tool bar or in this case a proxy tool.

In Action

Here you can see when using the BBC iPlayer a Hola pop up shows it has me recognized as browsing from  the United Kingdom, below on Nova this has changed to browsing from the United States.

Best Proxy For BBC iPlayer

Best Proxy For BBC PBS Nova

Using The Hola Add-On

Hola can be used on any browser as well as on your mobile devices.Simply download the extension for your browser or device and best of all it will work automatically when needed.

Chrome - Chrome users follow this link to download the Google Chrome Add-on

Firefox - Firefox users follow this link to Download the Firefox Extension 

Main Site - For other browsers and to use the proxy on your mobile device go to for Android, IOS Mac and more.

Disclaimer : I'm no way associated with Hola at the moment it's just the best proxy add-on IMO.Let us know your thoughts in comments below.
Paul Crowe

I'm the main author on That's Useful.I've been a full time Blogger and Web designer for over eight years.I have worked on thousands of projects and blogs over the years.

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