Instantly Test The Speed Of Your Broadband

By Paul Crowe Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Internet Broadband Speed Test
So just how fast is your Broadband Connection ? I'm sure your Internet service provider gave you a nice big estimate and charged to accordingly. Surely they wouldn't fib about the speed your getting but why not check it out to make sure !

This Broadband test will instantly check the Ping speed and your upload and download speed.The one we focus on is the download speed this is the kinda universal gage for Broadband speed and is measured in Megabits Per Second (Mbps).So your service provided may have told you to expect for example 12-15 Mbps and now you can check if you are getting what your paying for.

How To Instantly Check Your Broadband Speed

1. First follow this link to SpeedTest.Net

2. Click The "Begin Test" button and the wheels kick into motion in the background sending and receiving data to work out your speed.

There is no number three, after about one minute you will be presented with the results of your Broadband speed test.Let us know your thoughts in the comments and perhaps your results if they were what you were expecting.
Paul Crowe

I'm the main author on That's Useful.I've been a full time Blogger and Web designer for over eight years.I have worked on thousands of projects and blogs over the years.

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