Link To Exact Time On YouTube Video Online Tool

By Paul Crowe Saturday, February 14, 2015
Youtube stopwatch logo
Ever wanted to share just a piece of a YouTube video like one part in a compilation video ? You can easily achieve this by adding a string to the end of the URL, or if that's too much hassle to remember there is an online tool you can use.

Yep so if for example you wanted to link to a video but say four minutes ten seconds in you would add &t=4m10s to the end of the URL.

So you would turn this :

Into This :

The alternative tool is a tool called YouTube Time you can visit the site here : Enter the URL of the video and choose the time you want the video to start at and get the link.

Now you know, let us know what you think in the comments.
Paul Crowe

I'm the main author on That's Useful.I've been a full time Blogger and Web designer for over eight years.I have worked on thousands of projects and blogs over the years.

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