Text To Audio Using Notepad
1. First up we need to open Notepad on your computer to do this we will go through the following steps :
- Start > All Programs > Accessories > Notepad
Or on Windows 8 you can just click Start then use the search option to find Notepad.
2. With Notepad open we will paste in the following code :
Dim msg, sapi
msg=InputBox("Enter Your Text Below :")
Set sapi=CreateObject("sapi.spvoice")
sapi.Speak msg
3. Then you will save the file but make sure you use the .vbs extension so for example you could save the file as text2audio.vbs or anything you like as long as it ends with .vbs (You can save it anywhere but for easy access I find desktop a handy place).
4. Now when you open the file you will be prompted to enter the text you want converted to audio.You can paste in an article or type in the text and it will be converted to audio for you.
I have to admit apart from perhaps wanting an article read for you I'm not sure what the other uses are for this trick but hey knowledge is power so no harm in knowing how it's done :)
Let us know in the comments what you think of this notepad trick or any other notepad tricks you would like to share.
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